Tuscola Township lies in the southwest corner of Tuscola County in the "thumb" of Michigan.
Established in 1847, the Township is bounded on the east; by the City of Vassar and Vassar
Township, and on the west by Saginaw County. The Cass River runs diagonally through the Township
flowing from the northeast to the southwest.
The town of Tuscola was organized under an act of legislature passed in the winter of 1840 and
comprised the territory of Tuscola County which was at the same time set off from Sanilac County..."
The first town meeting, April 15, 1840, was at the home of E.W. Perry on the Cass River . There were
twelve eligible voters. Dennis Harrison was elected supervisor, treasurer and highway commissioner.
Others elected to office at this meeting were: Martin L. Miller, Lovira Hart, Ebenezer W. Davis, Ebenezer W. Perry,
Cornelius B. Leonard, Samuel H. Downs, John Miller and Jarvis Freeman. In 1848 there were twenty-six voters,
and in the general election of 1880 there were two hundred and eighty-three votes cast. The first permanent settlers
in the township include Edwin Ellis (1835-37, 1840) and Ebenezer Davis and family (1836).
Today there are about 800 households in the community. In a span of 14 years, from 1990 through 2003,
one hundred and five new homes were built. Tuscola Township boasts of one of the lowest millage rates in the county.
In 1992 the Township Board of Trustees established the seven member Township Planning Commission.
The Planning Commission's first task was to write a Master Land Use Plan for the township. Its second major task was to
rewrite the Township Zoning Ordinance book. This work was completed in September 1994.
On September 16, 2002 the township dedicated the new Tuscola Township Hall, which had been an unused school building
at 8561 Van Cleve Road. The renovation project cost about $200,000 and took four years to complete. The new hall allows
each trustee to have their own work space, a record storage room, and a public meeting room which was named in honor
of trustee Henry Hohman, who will have served the township for 40 years when his term expires in 2004.